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I am Presley Dias, a software engineer by profession. I love to experiment with different technologies in my free time. I suck as web developer so this site and are my way of learning new stuff ;), Do check out my GitHub repos.

Raspberry pi

For building my first Internet of Things flying device I need o get my hands on a Raspberry Pi board. Now why do i need this board? Well i need it to be the heart of the whole system. The board will be running Android OS and it is going to connect to Internet to get the commands that I will be sending from mobile app (oh yes! mobile app).

Top hits

The above list has all of the things I need in the board.

Need to do

First things first, I need to buy the board, even at 3.2 K they are too expensive for me to buy (any one want to gift me one, most welcome ;)). Till then its time to be save every penny i can.

After that

I need to buy the drone (quad copter, again anyone wants to gift me please do so ;))

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