Someone happen to ask me “You’re coding in the morning and also at night?”, my answer was “Its something that keeps me interested”. Coding for a living can take a toll on your health as your constantly staring at the monitor trying to build something up or hunt a bloody bug hours at a stretch only to know that a single semi colon (“;”) was the reason you spent your last 6 hours debugging. Such a task can take the joy of coding away from you. Some developers just love to build, some love to learn something new everyday and as of me, coding at home is something that keeps me interested in all other things the whole day.
Though I do read love stories and watch movies and workout (6 packs coming soon ;)), learning something new gets me excited! Being a programmer its really difficult to balance life, work, friends, hobbies and everything else. Making time for small small things that give you joy is is what keeps my life ticking.
Fun besides work
You can have fun while working but having fun while giving yourself time is also important. Mind never stops working and some times you should give time to your creative side else you will get into the state of mind where you will only be thinking of work and work.
Pick up a hobby
There are a loads of things to do, just a zillion number of things you can do to take your mind off work and get fresh, not just the weekends but every day. Like me I work out for at least 30 minutes a day, read some books (love stories <3), watch some TV, chat with my best buddies and do something that I’ am really good at. Do something that comes from you and not something that someone has told you.
Life is too short not to enjoy it! Forget the bloody politics, all are one. Don’t take life in a negative way. Love and enjoy