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I am Presley Dias, a software engineer by profession. I love to experiment with different technologies in my free time. I suck as web developer so this site and are my way of learning new stuff ;), Do check out my GitHub repos.

The codeAche

CodeAche = programmers migraine!

I was there was a time machine that I had with me, I would have loved to change a few bits of things that happened on this journey of life and then I see movies likes “The imitation game” and “The theory of everything” then I feel so much alive for everything good that has happened too me. Too much of technical stuff can really get to you, too much of work can break you down. While coding there are some really good days and then there are those day where you feel like breaking some damn piece of hardware! that is the time you know you have the codeAche.

What is it?

When you too much work pressure and too much work (both go hand in hand) then all you think is “CODE”, your whole day is engulfed inside the coding problem you have. You get up in the middle of the night thinking about the “CODE”. While going to work or coming back, eating or resting, your head becomes saturated. There is almost nothing else that your brains thinks of.

What do I do?

I am no expert and this CodeAche happens to me many times but thankfully my close and dear ones are there to get me out of it. Getting some good rest after a hard days of work really helps to get the codeAche go away. May be little bit of workout, calling an old friend or watching your favorite movie.

Best of all never let some one control your life, remember its your life and you got to live it by your rules!

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