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I am Presley Dias, a software engineer by profession. I love to experiment with different technologies in my free time. I suck as web developer so this site and are my way of learning new stuff ;), Do check out my GitHub repos.

Slaay 2.0

The past

Its been a long long time since I last updated by website (2015 to precise). Back in the days I did’nt know the power of humble include (my website is in php, if you didn’t know).

<?php include_once("header.php") ?>

<?php include_once("footer.php") ?>

I used to add header and footer to each page. It was a nightmare to make changes to each and every page if there was a need. One of my colleague introduced me to include keyword in PHP and I couldn’t thank him enough for it. It made my task so much easier making changes.

An Idea

NO more making manual changes to the website!. Time to switch to WordPress and let it handle all the code and let me handle only the data! (again thanks to my friend RDX). He suggested to me that its better to have an WordPress website than having to manually add pages.

Slaaysourcecoders 2.0

Yup, its 2.0! Slaay has gone a big change, now the website is powered by WordPress. Since that time my life has been so much easier making changes to the website. Though the previous website still remain alive, the new link is

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